13 – Sheyenne Valley Trail

(Barnes, Dickey, LaMoure, Ransom and Stutsman Counties)

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SheyenneValley_11x17Snow Conditions:
Updated: February 13, 2025
Amount of Snow: 9-13 inches
Recent Snowfall: 2-3 inches
Snow Depth: 3-4 inch
Current Weather for Jamestown

Trail Condition:

Trails are closed until more snow is received. Here is a link to the section of ND Century code regarding Snowmobile Laws: ND Century Code Snow

Groomer Tracking Here

J-1 Trail:
J-2 Trail:
J-3 Trail:
V-1 Trail:
V-2 Trail:
V-3 Trail:
V-4 Trail:
V-5 Trail:
V-6 Trail:
L-1 Trail:
M-1 Trail:
McKinnes Trail:

Communities: (Click Here for Accommodations)
Ypsilanti, Montpelier, Dickey, Jamestown, Marion, Lisbon, Litchville, Hastings, Kathryn, Spiritwood, Eckelson, Valley City and Fort Ransom

Total Trail Miles:
285.9 Miles

Connecting Trails:

The Sheyenne Valley Trail is located south of Jamestown and Valley City. There is a wide variety of riding in this system. The trail follows the Sheyenne River bottom and the James River. It also has ditch riding, shelter belts, and wide open fields. This takes you through the Fort Ransom State Park and also a park called Little Yellowstone. Several other stops are located along the way for you to warm up or relax as you enjoy riding this very attractive trail system.

Shawn Cole

Jim River Driftskippers
3181 Hwy 281 SE
Jamestown, ND 58402

Marion Sno Riders
10510 63rd St SE
Marion, ND 58466

Ransom County Driftskippers
101 Main St
Lisbon, ND 58054

Sheyenne Sno-Drifters
PO Box 342
Valley City, ND 58072

9425 103rd Ave SE
Oakes, ND 58474