Training: Trail Signing Confirmation


1.  What type of sign is this?
a. Regulatory
b. Warning
c. Guide
Answer:  Regulatory ~ Informs of traffic laws and regulation.  Always Red, black and white.


2. Stop Ahead signs should be placed how many feet before the stop sign?
a. 100 feet
b. 250 feet
c. 300 feet
Answer:  250 feet

3. What is the minimum number of chevrons that should be used to mark a long sweeping curve?
a. 1
b. 3
c. 5
Answer:  3

4. What type of sign cannot be placed in a right-of-way (ditch)?
a. No ATV’s
b. No Wheeled Vehicles
c. All of the above
Answer:  C, right of ways are open to public use. Place a Snowmobile Only sign on the trails in the right-of-way to discourage alternate types of recreation on the groomed snowmobile trail.

5. When should a reassurance “trail” blazer not be used?
a. To mark a safe corridor
b. Direct traffic
c. To mark a hazard
Answer:  C, blazers are used to mark a corridor of safe travel.


6.  Is this signed correctly or incorrectly?
a. Correctly
b. Incorrectly
Answer:  Correctly, it marks a safe corridor for riders.

7.  What is the maximum number of signs that can be placed on the same post?
a. 3
b. 5
c. None of the above
Answer:  A, no more than 3 signs can be on 1 post and all signs must complement one another.

8.  What signing sin will automatically close a trail system?
a. Misuse of Chevrons
b. Buried signs from drifting or too much snow
c. Signing through a guywire
Answer:  C, if a trail system signs the trail between a guywire and pole, the trail system will automatically be closed until the signing is corrected.

9.  What should you remember when signing a trail?
a. Consistency
b. Trails must be a minimum of 10 feet wide
c. All of the above
Answer:  C, trail signing should be consistent throughout the state, riders shouldn’t have to scan for the next sign, buried signs can become a hazard, sign in town (if allowed), and trails should be a minimum of 10 feet wide.

10. If snowmobile traffic is not allowed in city limits, what sign should be used to inform riders?
a. Stop Sign
b. Trail Ends
c. Reassurance “Trail” Blazer
Answer:  b, Trail End signs are posted at the end of a state trail and at city limits to inform riders they are no longer on the state trail system.

11. 80{64ba88878b2e04e9a3727ef51f224f8a7f7bff4e6ee9e04d7a87a7b2faab02f6} of the trail associations system must be signed by?
a. December 1st
b. December 15th
c. When the trail system gets snow
Answer:  b, a minimum of 80{64ba88878b2e04e9a3727ef51f224f8a7f7bff4e6ee9e04d7a87a7b2faab02f6} of the trail signs must be installed by December 15th. Sections left unsigned must be noted on the trail associations First Benchmark Form.  The signing must be completed before the trail can be opened.  The associations Trail Coordinator must contact SNDTP to inform the office of the completion date.

12. Corrections listed on the Trail Inspection reports must be completed by?
a. 2 weeks
b. 1 month
c. Corrections must take place the following season
Answer:  a, trail inspection reports are mailed within one week after inspection. The report reflects potential liabilities for the trail association and must be addressed within two weeks of the report postmark date.